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Attendance Import

How to import multiple employee attendance logs into Payboy

Jasmine avatar
Written by Jasmine
Updated over a week ago


If you choose not to use Payboy's attendance-tracking solutions, but would like to import your attendance data into the system as a means of keeping a record, we allow you to upload your own attendance logs into our software in an excel file. This guide will teach you how!

Excel File Formatting

There are some requirements for the file uploaded to be read correctly:

  1. The file must be saved in either .xlsx format or .xls format (Excel 97-2003 worksheet)

  2. Your employees need to be assigned employee numbers. These are must be unique to each employee. They are indicated on the first column of the employee view page
     (Note: The function will not work for employees without an employee number) 

 3. The Excel file needs to have header columns indicating the employee number, date, time in, time out, and Branch

  • Employee Number should be formatted as text

  • Date should be formatted as DD/MM/YYYY as date

  • Time in and Time out should be formatted as HH:MM (24H) as text

  • Branch should be formatted as text

The following screenshot illustrates an example: 

How to Import Attendance Logs

  • From the side menu, go to Attendance > Attendance Logs

  • Click on Excel Import on the bottom left corner

  • Select the intended file from your computer and upload it

  • If the file is read successfully, you will be prompted to sort the data correctly according to the columns in your spreadsheet

  • Click Import and the attendance logs should be updated in the system

Note: This import function is only applicable to employees with an 'Active' status.

Feel free to contact us if you face any difficulties through the support chat icon on the bottom right of the screen or email We will get back to you within 3 working days.

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