Now reports would be processed separately and you would be able to do your own things while waiting.
This allows for larger reports to be generated, as well as, multiple reports to be generated at the same time.
As of now, the files that would not go through this process are:
Attendance report
Scheduling report
Bank txt files & CPF txt files
IRAS report
A8A report
CSV files
Where to find your processing reports
On the top right corner, beside the notification (bell) icon, there is the download icon. The download icon is where you would be able to find all your processing reports.
After you click generate for any reports, a notification bar would appear. and the download icon would add a number.
Click on the download button, and this drop down will appear. At first, it would state "Processing, click to refresh" > Click on it > It would refresh and redirect you to the All employees page.
If the report is finished processing, it would state when it expires and when you click on it, the reports will start to download.
Feel free to contact us if you face any difficulties through the support chat icon on the bottom right of the screen or email We will get back to you within 3 working days.ย