Project Calculations help to estimate the cost of each project. These calculations are an estimate from that derived from project overheads, employees' salaries, and claims.
Step 1: Generate Payroll
Step 2: Head to Projects > Project Calculations > +New Calculations
Step 3: To create new project calculations, these are the compulsory (unless stated) fields
1. Select Month: Month of the project calculations that you require
2. Select Year: Year of the project calculations that you require
3. Select Projects: Calculations will be taken from the chosen project or left blank for all projects.
Step 4: After submission, project calculations will be created and will appear on the page.
(Note: All created project calculations are by default in an unapproved status)
(Note: Created project calculations can be viewed and deleted afterward)
Step 5: Click the Eye icon to view a detailed breakdown of project calculations
Step 6: To approve this project calculation, click on ‘Approve’
(Note: This step is irreversible)
Under the Actions column, click on the Eye icon to view an even more detailed breakdown of timesheets, allocations, and overheads.
Approved project calculation page
(Note: Approved project calculations can be viewed and deleted afterwards)
After approving the project calculation, you may generate a project costing report for a consolidated summary of the projects
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