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Appraisal Grading

Guidance for utilizing Appraisal Grading for Admin and Grader

April avatar
Written by April
Updated over 2 months ago

The appraisal grading function is a crucial feature for evaluating employee performance within an organization. It allows both administrators and reviewers to assess and grade employee performance based on predefined criteria. For administrators, this function provides a comprehensive overview of all appraisals, enabling them to configure settings and oversee the grading process. Graders, on the other hand, are tasked with directly assessing their teams' performance, offering feedback, and assigning grades. This article will guide you through using the appraisal grading function for both admin and grader accounts, ensuring a seamless and effective evaluation experience.


Appraisal Grading (Admin)

How to start the process

  1. After logging in to the admin account, head to Dashboard > Appraisal > New Grading Period > key in the Grading Period name, instruction, and the information for the dates.

  2. Key in the Number Of Grades: You can customize the number of grades to suit your grading requirements, with options ranging from 2 to 10 grades.

  3. Key in the Appraisal for Reference: To enhance flexibility, you can modify the Appraisal for Reference to allow grading based on a specific appraisal type or across all appraisals. The options include Downward Appraisals Only, Upward Appraisals Only, or All Appraisals, providing a tailored approach to the grading process.

  4. Enter the Grade Assignment By option as follows:

  • Percentage of Total Employees = This option compares employees to one another, to ensure a proportional distribution of grades based on predefined percentage thresholds.

  • Fixed Appraisal Score Range = This option assigns grades based on specific score ranges, independently of how employees perform relative to one another.

    When you choose the Percentage of Total Employees option, these two additional settings will show:

    4.a. Enter the Grade Assignment Order to allow the grading to be sorted into From Best to Worse Performers or From Worse to Best Performers.

    4.b. Enter the Grade Assignment Strategy options as follows:
    - Spillover Affect Next Grade: This option ensures that any scores exceeding the upper limit of a grade range spill over into the next grade, allowing for a more fluid distribution of grades.
    - Spillover Affect Last Grade: With this option, any scores that fall below the lower limit of the last grade will spill over into that grade, ensuring that all scores are assigned to a valid grade without exceeding the defined ranges.

Important note: Once you select the desired settings, the bottom of the page reflects the System Assignment Reference based on the chosen configurations, and provides you with a summary of how the grading and assignment will be applied according to your selections. Please refer to the example below:

5. Click the Submit button to save and create the Grading Period. A green message prompt will appear confirming the successful creation of the grading period, as shown below:

6. On the same page, you can see the Grading Period details and you will be able to create a New Grading Group by clicking the button marked below:

6.a. Once you click on New Grading Group, you can enter the Group Name and select the staff to be assigned as a Grader (this will be the Appraisal Grading Reviewer):

6.b. You can enter the minimum score or allotted percentage (depending on whether Percentage of Total Employees or Fixed Appraisal Score Range was selected) for each grade and select the employees to be assigned to the grading group. Be sure to click Submit afterward to save your changes:

6.c. You will be directed to the Grading Group page and the green message prompt will appear confirming the successful creation of the grading group, as shown below.

On this page, you can delete the employee assigned to the Grading Group by clicking the bin icon on the right side of the page:

Important note: Since deletion can only be done one at a time, please ensure you select the correct employees when assigning them to the grading group.

To add more employees to the Grading Group, click back from the page or head to Appraisals > All Grading Period > click the eye icon to view:

Click the Add Employee button marked below:

7. Once the Grading Group is created, the Grader can go to their account via web portal to do their Grading Exercise.

8. Wait until the grader finishes their grading exercise. This can be checked by going to the Appraisals > All Grading Period > click the eye icon on the Grading Period to view details > see the information under Status:

9. Once the Grader completes grading, the Admin can review the grading by clicking the Review Gradings button:

10. If there is an amendment needed after the completion of the grading, the admin can unlock the grades by clicking the Unlock for Reviewer button:

11. To generate the report from the completed grading exercise, the admin can click the Gradings Summary button:

and download the report in spreadsheet format by clicking the Generate Excel Report button:

Appraisal Grading (Grader)

Important Note: Please ensure that the Admin has created the Appraisal Grading Period and Grading Group first, which is required to enable Graders to proceed with their processing.

How to start the process

  1. After logging in to the staff account, head to Appraisal > All Grading Exercise > click on Start Grading Exercise.

  2. Graders will be directed to the page where they will be able to view the preloaded scores based on the Appraisal exercise that you completed. Graders can click on Sort by Name, Grade, Appraisal Score, Employee Number, Department, and Position and make the relevant changes to the Grades if needed:

  3. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click Submit to save the completed grading. A green prompt message will confirm the grading exercise submission:

  4. The grader can request the admin to unlock the grading if an amendment is needed. It will revert the Grading Exercise status to Pending instead of Completed.

If you face any difficulties, feel free to contact us through the support chat icon on the bottom right of the screen, or email us at We will get back to you within 3 working days.

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