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Attendance reports

A guide on how to generate attendance reports in Payboy

Jasmine avatar
Written by Jasmine
Updated over a week ago


With the attendance report function, you can view the overall breakdown of attendance information for your employees over a given period of time. The guide will show you how to generate your own reports!

  • From the side menu, go to Reports > Attendance

  • Select the date range for which you want the report to be generated

  • Select any specific organisations to be included

  • Select any specific departments within that organisation

  • Select any specific positions within those department

  • Select any employees

  • Click Generate Report

(Note: Leaving fields blank will automatically include all the entities applicable)

  • You will be directed to a summary page, where you can see the Attendance Summary, a breakdown of attendance logs, total hours, OT hours and other information for each employee 

  • Scrolling further down, you can also see the Attendance Details, which will list each attendance log recorded in reverse chronological order

  • You can choose to download the information as well. Clicking Download Excel will give you an excel file of the Attendance Summary, while Download CSV will give you the Attendance Details in a csv file format

If you face any difficulties, feel free to contact us through the support chat icon on the bottom right of the screen, or email us at We will get back to you within 3 working days. 


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