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COVID Safe+ Module

covid; ART; covid-19

Jasmine avatar
Written by Jasmine
Updated over a week ago


This article states the functionalities of the COVID Safe+ module by Payboy.

How do I set up the COVID Safe+ module?

The module has been activated by default for you. You should be able to see it in the navigation bar on the left side of the screen, named Covid Safe+.

What should I do next?

You need to click on the COVID Safe+ module > ART Settings, and adjust the number of days of validity for each different vaccination status based on company and government policies. An example has been shown in the following screenshot.

What are the things my employees need to do?

They need to declare their vaccination status upon their first login.

This box will always pop up until the employee has declared the vaccination status. After clicking on the word "here", they will be led to their profile where they can edit their vaccination status.

What if I do not want the employees to be able to edit their vaccination status?

If you would not like the employees to be able to edit their vaccination status, you may go to Covid Safe+ > ART Settings and uncheck the box named "Enable for employee to update their vaccination record".

If there's a change in vaccination status, the employee is required to contact the Admin and they will update it from their end by going to the employee's profile > Personal > click on the pencil icon next to Vaccination Details.

How do the employees submit their ART test results?

Once the employee has indicated the vaccination status, the employee can proceed to submit their ART Test Results.

They can do this by logging in to their employee's account on the web > click COVID Safe+ > Submit ART > select the Test Type, Test Kit Brand & Test Result > Upload Photo Proof > submit.

Admins will be able to track the records in the Covid Safe+ Module in their own admin accounts.

Frequently-Asked Questions (ART Module)

  1. What is the purpose of this ART Module?

    The purpose of this ART module is to allow employers to have a simple overview of all their employees' health status and testing cycles.

  2. How much is this module?

    This module is free to all existing and new Payboy customers! This is part of our social outreach to encourage businesses to digitise, and to show them the benefits of managing their data in the cloud. Sign up now at and key in the promo code PBCOVID to activate your free Payboy account.

  3. What kind of reports / notifications can I get?

    You will be able to download an excel report that is similar to Health Promotion Board’s Swab Registration System template. The data can then be copied over to HPB’s template for easy upload.

    A dashboard will be available on mobile (coming soon!) and web allowing for a quick view of all employee’s health statuses.

    Employers will receive 2 kinds of notifications - Email and Push notifications.

    Employers will receive a daily summary email notification detailing the employees who have submitted a negative test result.

    If an employee submits an invalid or positive test result, both an email and push notification will be sent to the employer immediately.

  4. Why are employees required to declare their vaccination status?

    Based on our surveys with businesses, some business owners would like to introduce differentiated measures for employees who have not been vaccinated. Our module allows businesses to increase the testing frequency for unvaccinated employees.

    With the regulations introduced on 09 Oct 2021 by the COVID Committee that unvaccinated employees will need to show proof of working in the business of the mall. Additionally, MOM's advisory on 23 Oct 2021 now allows all employers to request and collect the vaccination status of their employees and any employee that does not wish to declare will be treated as unvaccinated.

  5. How can my employees submit their ART results?

    Employees can submit their results via our Payboy mobile app or directly from the web browser.

  6. Why can’t I select the date of COVID test?

    We have disabled the date function to prevent any backdating of data. It is to ensure that the test kit result validity period is as accurate as possible.

Feel free to contact us at if you face any difficulties.
We will get back to you within 3 working days.

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