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Childcare Leave
Jasmine avatar
Written by Jasmine
Updated over a week ago

The Childcare Leave encompasses MOM regulations on the stipulated number of days for both Singaporean-born children and Non-Singaporean-born children.

Did you know of the following?

  1. Singaporean and Non-Singaporean born children have different entitlements

  2. Singaporean-born children are entitled to Extended Childcare Leave and this entitlement is 2 days per year (till the youngest child is aged 12) after 7 years of Childcare Leave. (Yes! We automate this for you too!)

  3. Employees need to have worked for at least 3 continuous months to be entitled to Childcare Leave

  4. Childcare Leave can start either in the current year or in the next year

  5. The first 3 days of Childcare will be paid by the employer and the remaining 3 days, by the Government,

The purpose of the update is to streamline the issuance of this particular leave entitlement to your employees. You would no longer need to worry about the finer details as we will take care of that for you!

How do I issue Childcare Leave to my employees?

Step 1:

Go to Leave > Leave Types > + New Leave Type

Step 2:

Select which citizenship the child belongs to Singaporean Child/Non-Singaporean Child.

You are also able to enable the mandatory fields if an employee is required to provide a reason and upload proof to submit the leave request.

Then hit the "Submit" button.

Once done, your leave type should be successfully created, and you should be directed to a page like this:

Step 3: Assign them to your employees

There are two ways in which you can assign this leave type to your employees, individually or through mass assignment.

Mass Assigning

  • Go to Leaves > Leave Types

  • Click on the 'View' icon and click on "View Entitlements"

Find the Childcare Leave, and ensure that you are selecting the right one:

Childcare Leave (Singaporean Child) or Childcare Leave (Non-Singaporean Child)

  • Click on "+ Mass Assign" and you will see a page like this:

  • Key in the Entitlement Start Date (Child's birth year)

  • You are able to either assign the leave type based on Company, Organization, Department, Position, or Employee

  • Once you have selected the relevant information you can click Submit

Do note: If the child is born in August, their Childcare Leave can start either the current year or the following year.

After this, you will see a summary page of all the staff that have been given the entitlement. The page will look something like this:

You're done!

Individual Assignment

  • You can head to the employee's profile and head to the Entitlements tab

  • Click on Add

  • Select the leave entitlement using the drop-down box, select the year in which you want it to start, and hit "Create".

Do note: If the child is born in August, their Childcare Leave can start either the current year or the following year.

After clicking on "Create" the employee would have successfully been given the entitlement:

You're done!

You can refer here to learn more about Childcare Leave; its requirements and rules.

Feel free to contact us if you face any difficulties through the support chat icon on the bottom right of the screen or email We will get back to you within 3 working days.

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