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Salary Adjustment

Proration of employees' salaries

Nigel Lim avatar
Written by Nigel Lim
Updated over a week ago

This guide serves to aid admins in creating basic salary increments/decrements for employees, with proration of salary.

  • To access the salary adjustment page from the dashboard, go to the Employee tab > Salary Adjustment. (Note: Please approach your main admin for access to this page if you cannot find it)

  • From this page, select the employees involved by clicking on "Select" next to their names. Then, scroll down and click on "Adjust Salary".

  • On this page, a few things can be selected such as (from left to right on the screen):

  1. Start date of increment, i.e. when the increment will take effect. Note that the date indicated must be after the employee's last generated payslip (based on the payment period).

  2. The increment can be based on a specific amount (e.g. 1000 increment) or by a percentage (e.g. 10% of current basic salary). A decrement can also be done by indicating a '-' before the amount (e.g. -100)

  3. Indicate the amount/percentage to increase the salary by.

  4. A standard increment amount/percentage can be applied to all employees by selecting the "Apply To All" button.

  • After indicating the amounts, the system will reflect the new basic pay on the right and an adjustment summary at the bottom. Ensure that the amounts are accurate. Then, select "Submit".

  • If the salary adjustment has been successful, a green banner will appear. The adjustment should also show up under the respective employee's career history. Note: Increments can only be removed if the start date is a future date AND there are no existing payslips with the new amount

  • When the next payroll is generated, the new and old salary amounts will be prorated accordingly. The formula will be shown as follows:

[(Previous Amount/Number of workdays in the month) x Number of workdays salary is applicable to] + [(New Amount/Number of workdays in the month) x Number of workdays salary is applicable to]

  • Do note that the total gross salary will be shown in two lines according to the number of days, as shown in the below example:


  • Gross salary (Singaporean and PR) will be prorated by the number of working days.

  • Recurring pay items are manually added pay items and additional wage items will be prorated by the number of days in a month, regardless of working days.

Feel free to contact us if you face any difficulties through the support chat icon on the bottom right of the screen or email We will get back to you within 3 working days.

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