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How do I add new employees?

A guide on how to onboard employees to Payboy

Jasmine avatar
Written by Jasmine
Updated over a week ago


This page shows you how to add new employees easily on Payboy. Employees’ details are very important because it helps to run the process of other features such as payroll, claims, leaves, and timesheets smoothly. Furthermore, proper documentation of employees’ details information will enable you to generate tax filing as well as CPF e-submission properly as mandated by related government institutions in Singapore.

By onboarding the employees into the system, administrators will be able to:

  • Manage the employees' claims, leaves, and time attendance

  • Generate and distribute the e-Payrolls for the employees in the company

  • Manage approval decisions for all employees in the company

There are 2 ways to onboard employees:

  1. Single Onboard – a better way when only onboarding a small number of employees (< 5 employees)

  2. Mass Onboard (Excel Template) – a better way when onboarding multiple employees

Getting started

  • From the side panel, select Employees > Onboard employee

Single onboard for 1 employee

  • Firstly, select the identity number type from the drop-down list and enter the identity number.

    This prompts the system to check the existing employee database to see if there is already an existing employee with that designation. If the employee already exists, you will be redirected to the employee transfer form instead.

  • If you choose "Let the employee fill up their personal details", you only need to provide some basic information.

Employee details :

  •  Enter the Name, Email, Citizenship, Organization, and Country of Work. Then indicate the Organization, Department, and Position. Finally, click Next

  • Alternatively, If you choose "I will fill up the details myself", you will have to fill up all the employee's details.

  • Enter the Employee information accordingly, especially those fields with an asterisk (*) symbol.

  • Enable to sync with google calendar if employees should be to be able to sync their Payboy calendar to the Google Calendar. Not all profiles will have permission to do so unless this box is checked. Then, click Next

  • Fill out the employee number and tags, if necessary
    (Note: These functions are optional, but can help facilitate easier sorting and searching if you have a larger number of employees)

    Payment details :

  • Select a payment method for the employee in the drop-down menu: Cash, Cheque, GIRO, or Others. (GIRO requires the employee's bank account details)

  • After which, there are a few options to select from pertaining to contributions and levies depending on what was previously input as an employee's citizenship, race, religion, and country of work.

Opted out from <respective SHG> donations: This means that the employee will not be contributing to SHG.

Set a fixed <respective SHG> amount: Set a fixed amount to contribute to SHG every month that payroll is generated for this employee.

Opt into Community Chest contributions: Set a fixed amount to contribute to Community Chest every month that payroll is generated for this employee.

Exclude from Skills Development Levy (SDL): The company need not contribute SDL for this employee.

Exclude from IRAS Auto-Inclusion Scheme (AIS): Income earned by this employee need not be reported to IRAS.

Exclude from Central Provident Fund contributions: This employee is exempt from CPF contributions.

Allow Full Employer CPF: The employer/company will be paying both employer and employee share of CPF. No deduction will be made from the employee's salary for CPF contributions.

  • After selecting the appropriate options, you will have to fill out the employee's pay scheme details. You may select from an existing pay scheme or add a new pay scheme. For more information on pay schemes, click here. Otherwise, you may leave the "Pay scheme templates" field empty and manually select the following:

  1. Type: Hourly, Daily, or Monthly

  2. Currencies: Default is set based on the company's country currency, to change or add more currencies, refer to this article.

  3. Amount to pay per unit (e.g. 1 hour/ 1 day/ 1 month, depending on the type chosen)

Working hours :

  • Fixed Work Days

  • Fixed Timing

  • Using Shift Planning

  • Flexible Timing

Calculate pay based on actual worked hours using shift breakdowns: Using Payboy's rostering module in conjunction with the attendance module, tracking the number of hours that the employee has worked to calculate salary.

Overtime Hours

Overtime Pay: Employee has overtime pay, calculated using the attendance log.

Holiday Group

  • Select the employee's holiday group as well as working hours. The working hours set in an employee's individual profile will override the default company hours previously set here.

  • Select Next.

Upload Documents

Click + Add New Document to attach relevant documents

Onboard employee

  • Finally, customize the employee's password (usually the employee's primary ID number)

  • Customize the employment start date and employment type (full-time, part-time, contract, or probation)

  • Click Submit.

  • Upon successful onboarding, the employee shall receive an invitation link via email. The employee will have to click on the link to be an "active" employee in the system.

Mass onboarding employees through an Excel import

  • Select 'Mass Onboard (Excel)

  • Click Download Template to get the pre-formatted Excel file for filling up

  • Input the necessary information in the Excel file.

  • Please DO NOT remove any pre-set validations.

  • Select and Upload the completed Excel file
    (Note: This process might take some time, as the system will make sure all the necessary information columns are filled up, and validated to make sure they are accurate)

  • Once done, you can scroll through and Verify that all the information uploaded is correct

  • Click Submit to proceed to on-board employees. This will send out invitation emails to your employees.

(Important note: Employees created without an email will have their passwords automatically set to their Identification number (NRIC, FIN no., etc.))

On-boarding employees that have been off-boarded previously

  • You may choose to re-onboard an employee that has been off-boarded previously or resigned from the company. In this case, you will not need to fill up the employee's details, and will instead be directed to the pay scheme customization site

How to view/edit existing employee details

  • From the side menu, go to Employees > All Employees

  • Search for the relevant employee, and click the View button in the respective row

  • Next, head to relevant tabs and click on the edit button (pencil icon)

  • Update your employee's details as desired

  • If an employee is going through a salary adjustment or position reassignment, please make sure to go through the process accordingly.
    ***DO NOT edit the employment details***

How to delete an employee

  • Head to Employees > All Employees on the side menu

  • Click Delete (bin icon) on the particular employee

  • A message box will appear. Click OK to delete the employee

(Note: This button only exists if the employee has not completed his/her onboarding process into the Payboy system. If you would like to resign an employee, go to this page on how to offboard your employee)

Feel free to contact us if you face any difficulties through the support chat icon on the bottom right of the screen or email We will get back to you within 3 working days.

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